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[에너지를 찾는 시간여행] 기획전시전 개최

  • 작 성 일 : 2022.09.29
  • 첨부파일 :



「Time travel in search of energy」special exhibition held

 □ Exhibits
  ㅇ Stimulating curiosity with the climate crisis, introducing the past (primitive power ~ fossil fuel), present (electricity ~ carbon neutrality and energy security, energy status, power generation), and future (energy mix, new technologies such as SMR) of energy, parents and children Composition



Time travel in search of energy Planning exhibition composition, main content, directing


Main Content



Earth on the brink of death

( time travel departure )

* Induce awareness of the climate crisis and curiosity about its causes

* Mission to find energy to save the earth

current of energy

Global warming and air pollution

the age of electricity

Global Decarbonization Era

* Effects of greenhouse gases on climate change

* Pros and cons of electricity and real life , fossil fuels and nuclear power

* Era of carbon neutrality and energy security

energy past

( History of Energy Transformation )

From raw power to natural power

From Steam Power to Electric Power

Fossil fuel to drive industrialization

* Manpower , power using axial force , conversion energy

* Principles of early fossil fuels , steam engines , and internal combustion engines

* Fossil fuels, human civilization , and indiscriminate use

the future of energy

new energy technology

renewable energy

Development of nuclear technology

* Introduction to hydrogen , fuel cells , and coal liquefaction

* Expansion of eco-friendly energy , recycling of pollutants

* Small module (SMR), artificial solar power ( nuclear fusion )


Energy mix through harmony

* Energy mix applied to the portfolio




 □ Exhibition schedule


  ㅇ National Science Museums (5 regions) 


Exhibition Venue and Schedule



Daejeon Central Science Museum

09.30 ( Fri ) ~ 10.10 ( Mon )

Daegu National Science Museum

10.12 ( Wed ) ~ 10.23 ( Sun )

Busan National Science Museum

10.25 ( Tue ) ~ 11.06 ( Sun )

Gwangju National Science Museum

11.08 ( Tue ) ~ 11.20 ( Sun )

Gwacheon National Science Museum

                    11.22 ( Tue ) ~


