
Interactive exhibition

KEIA provides easy and informative energy experiences and information with up-to-date audiovisual contents through a multi-purpose community space for citizens interested in energy.

Permanent exhibition

Participatory and interactive exhibits are displayed to provide visitors with energy information.

  • Energy Info Zone

  • Energy Experience Zone

Special exhibition

KEIA runs travelling exhibitions in collaboration with local governments to achieve carbon neutrality at the local level.

  • Special exhibition on carbon neutrality in collaboration with the local government(Dangjin City)

  • Special exhibition on carbon neutrality in collaboration with the local government(Ansan City)

Education service

KEIA conducts on- and offline platforms to help people better understand energy issues and carry out energy education through hands-on experiences and participation.


KEIA manages online education platforms and runs classes to educate people from all backgrounds about energy from anywhere in the country.

  • Gyeonggi-do GSEEK

    Gyeonggi-do GSEEK

  • 「Energy Education e-learning」 course : Wise Energy Life

    「Energy Education e-learning」 course : Wise Energy Life

Career experience education

KEIA runs educational programs that provide the next generation with future energy technologies, careers, and daily energy-saving practices.

  • Production and distribution of educational videos

    Production and distribution of educational videos

  • Online and offline classes

    Online and offline classes

In-service training programs for teachers

KEIA offers online in-service training programs for teachers so that they can access them without restrictions on time or location.

전국 교원을 대상으로 장소나 시간에 제약 없이 온라인을 통해 에너지 분야에 대한 원격직무연수 시행합니다.

In-service training program(Korea Teacher Training Institute website)